Saturday, December 19, 2015

Lex Luger( The Total Package)

WRESTLING WITH THE DEVIL CHAPTER 12 TRANSFORMATIONS: We had just finished another Nitro Show! We were about to crack open the beer and the prescription drugs were divided. "NO THANKS I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE," Sting suddenly said. "What do you mean no thanks, " I said looking at him completely shocked. Sting had always been ready to party before so I thought he was joking around at first. Dropping his voice down so that I would leave it alone Sting answered with " Its a long story I don't want to get into it now." I could tell he was serious. By this time everyone had stopped talking and was staring at us wondering what was going on. To pretend that there was nothing wrong I swallowed both of the drugs. I couldn't wait till we were alone so I could get the whole story. "Whats going on," I asked as we drove back the hotel. " Im going to ask for more time off to spend time with my family. Lex, Ive been drowning in drugs and alcohol for too long. Im losing my marriage and my family." "Does this mean youre no longer going to drink beers and take pills with me? I wont tell anybody?" I said sincerely. "I HAVE MADE A commitment NOT TO DO THAT ANYMORE." STING answered not telling me more than that. I thought Sting was only going through a phase and that sooner or later we would be back partying together. "HES MY BUDDY HE'LL BREAK DOWN SOON" I thought. HE NEVER DID.

CHAPTER 13: INJURY AND INTRIGUE: By late 1999 Sting heard about me and Elizabeth Hulette and he confronted me in the cafeteria during a pay per view event. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ,MAN?." STING asked. Acting like I didn't know what he meant I answered with, "What are you talking about?" "YOU AND ELIZABTH?" "DONT WORRY ABOUT IT,"I ANSWERED "NO I DO WORRY ABOUT IT I WORRY BECAUSE OF YOUR FAMILY. CMON YOU GOT THREE PEOPLE DEPENDING ON YOU AT HOME. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?" He shot back. Ill never forget the look on Stings face when I answered with," DONT WORRY ABOUT ME PAL. THERES PLENTY OF THE TOTAL PACKAGE TO GO AROUND." Then Stings jaw dropped and he was temporarily out of things to say. I didn't want to hear anymore anyway so I quickly walked away. HOW DARE HE LECTURE ME! I had heard about Stings brother being pastor and that Sting had become what is known as a BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN. I had no idea what that meant but I was angry. We weren't hanging out anymore. He refused to do any of the things we use too and he wouldn't go to any of those places we would frequently go to. HE HAD GONE RELIGIOUS ON ME. I FELT LIKE I HAD LOST MY BEST FRIEND AND I WAS MAD.

Chapter 20 A TRUE FRIEND IN THE COUNTY COBB JAIL: The County Cobb Jail was to be my home for the next three months and it was not designed with the word fun in mind. There was no TV and the books had torn pages in them from former readers and since there wasn't a clock it seemed like time was standing still. The chaplain who gave me the Bible always knocked on the window of our pod whenever he would walk by. He would smile and motion for me to come to the door and I would wave him off. After a few weeks one of my cellmates suggested I should take the chaplain up on his offer. I figured if I met with him this once he would go away. So the next time the chaplain walked by I met him at the window, "What do you want?" I asked. "I want to talk to you" he answered "Ill have the guards bring you to a room and we can talk for a little bit." When we got to the room he introduced himself again , "IM STEVE BASKINS ONE OF THE CHAPLAINS HERE." It was a little awkward at first just a little getting to know each other talk. When he pulled out his laptop and turned it on I thought OH GREAT HERE COMES THE RELGIOUS STUFF. Instead it was an action movie. "WE COULD WATCH A MOVIE ON MY COMPUTER IF YOU WANT TOO SINCE YOU CANT WATCH TV IN HERE?" "NAH ITS OK," I answered then we talked until it was time for me to go "By the way the foods pretty bad in here isn't it?" "Yeah. Its definitely bad and its not near enough I feel like Im starving all the time." Then he handed me squeezable packets of peanut butter. "Thanks I really appreciate it." "This guy isn't so bad after all." I was thinking. Steve began slipping me packets of peanut butter on regular basis even though he probably wasn't suppose too. I had never talked to a pastor before and I had assumptions about what a pastor was like. But I was surprised Pastor Steve was well normal- a regular guy with issues and challenges. In the following weeks I met with him whenever I could and got to know him much better. We had a lot more in common than I ever would have thought. The only subject we didn't discuss was religion. WHAT A RELIEF! Other than my lawyer, sister, and nephew he was one of my only visitors. Although our conversations had become a regular thing I didn't plan on seeing him again when I got out of jail. Pastor Steve came to me for the last time when I was released from jail on March 2006 " YOU KNOW IVE PUT ON SOME POUNDS THE LAST COUPLE OF YEARS AND IVE BEEN MEANING TO GET IN SHAPE. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF US GETTING TOGETHER AT THE GYM SO YOU COULD HELP ME WITH MY WORKOUTS?" "SURE WHATEVER, PASTOR STEVE," I said. I wasn't a personal trainer I only trained myself. I didn't give him my address or phone number or the name of the gym I just simply said, "GOOD LUCK FINDING ME." A few weeks later as I was leaving the gym I heard a familiar voice call out my name. "HEY LEX." I turned around and there was the jail chaplain. I was shocked to see him. HOW DID HE FIND ME THERE MUST BE 100S OF GYMS IN ATLANTA NORTHERN SUBURBS. "IM READY TO GET BACK IN SHAPE IF YOURE WILLING TO HELP." I was caught off guard but quickly recovered. THIS MIGHT BE FUN ILL WORK HIM SO HARD AND MAKE HIM SORE ALL OVER HE'LL NEVER SET FOOT IN A GYM AGAIN. "Why don't you pick me up at the hotel at 11 oclock tomorrow morning?" I said. "That would be great I'll see you then" he said. I didn't answer when Pastor Steve knocked at my hotel door the next morning. I was sure if I waited long enough he would give up. I peeked out of my window a half hour later and he was still there sitting in his car in the parking lot. I could tell he wasn't going anywhere. I figured I had no choice but to come out go to the gym and if I ran him through a Matsuda style workout maybe he'll leave me alone. At the gym I gave it to him with both barrels but he never complained once. By the end I could tell he was totally exhausted. " What time should I be there tomorrow," he asked as he dropped me off at the hotel. I couldn't believe my ears. However when he woke up in the morning he'd be so sore he would have trouble even getting out of bed. But the next day there he was sitting in the parking lot ready to go to the gym. In spite of my efforts to make him quit he was there every morning. Surprisingly I began to enjoy training him and watching his progress. Soon we weren't just going to the gym together. Steve offered to help me with my personal issues I needed to take care of. First I had to smooth things over with my probation officer. Then he went with me to the Cobb County Courthouse to pay some additional fines that I owed. Instead of having to pay they refunded me 700 dollars that had been over paid! I couldn't believe it and I began to call Pastor Steve my lucky charm. " You know Lex I think we should drive down to the DMV and get your license back. No harm in trying," he said one day. I was under the impression that it would be a long time before I would ever get my drivers license back but we walked into the DMV and boom! I walked out with a new drivers license with no hassles or delays. There was also a time we stopped by Walmart which I had never bee to in my life. As we walked around the store we were greeted by wrestling fans and well-wishers. Then we went to Golden Corral for lunch another place I had never been before. Again people came up to me to say hello. I realized this was Steves plan to get me out to places where everyone was glad to see me. Truthfully after all the bad stuff that had happened their reactions caught me off guard. I didn't know what to make of it but it felt kind of good. I was getting more and more comfortable hanging out with Pastor Steve I eventually started asking him questions about religion. I peppered him with all kinds of questions. He always answered thoughtfully or admitted he didn't have all the answers. I appreciated his honesty. One day we were running errands together when I decided to stay in the car when Steve made one of his stops. I noticed a religious leaflet in the side door pocket with the words GODS SIMPLE PLAN OF SALVATION. I began reading it but I stuck it in my pocket when Pastor Steve came back. I didn't mention anything to him. That evening I took the leaflet out and read through it. I understood the words but not what they meant. Phrases like "BEING BORN AGAIN" made no sense to me. I had already been born HOW COULD I BE BORN AGAIN?. For the next couple of weeks I read again and again that small leaflet but I never asked Pastor Steve about it. Not long after Pastor Steve asked, "DO YOU REMEMBER DR FRADY, THE HEAD CHAPLAIN AT THE COUNTY COBB JAIL?" It didn't ring a bell with me "HE PASTORS CLARKDALE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. I OFTEN GO TO THE SERVICES THERE. ITS CASUAL. YOU DONT HAVE TO DRESS UP. WOULD YOU LIKE TO MEET ME THIS SUNDAY EVENING? WE COULD GO EAT AFTERWARD." It was the question that I had been waiting for wondering when he was going to ask it. "Sure," I said. "The service starts at 7 oclock Ill meet you there."

CHAPTER 21 RECONSTRUCTION ON THE ROCK: I arrived at the church 7:10 PM. Since I didn't see Steves car in the parking lot I figured he had gotten a ride with someone else. I went up to the large white doors but I hesitated out of an major case of cold feet. Debating with myself I went back to my car and sat for another ten minutes. "I should just go home and call Steve later" I thought. But Steve could have been waiting inside and I didn't want to let him down. So I went to the doors again in hesitation. This time I slipped inside and found a seat in the last pew. Dr Frady was into his message in the front pulpit. I heard it was from the SERMON ON THE MOUNT when Jesus was speaking to a large group of people and then he read Matthew 7:24-27. About the wise man who built his house on the rock and the foolish man who built his house on the sand. " WHEN WE BUILD OUR LIVES AROUND OTHER PEOPLE,MONEY, OR WHAT WE CONSIDER SUCCESS WE' RE PUTTING OUR FAITH IN NOTHING," Dr Frady had said " THINGS THAT WILL NOT LAST AND WE CANT COUNT ON. WHATS YOUR LIFE BASED ON? THE ROCK OR THE SAND? WHEN YOU LIFE IS BASED ON THE ROCK YOUR HOUSE WILL STAND STRONG NO MATTER WHAT." Hes describing my life, My life has been built completely on the sand. I envisioned my mansion in Sugarloaf, my cars,clothes, and jewelry. Everything that I considered the evidence of my success piled together on a sandy beach. Then there was a huge wave crashing on shore and within moments everything was gone, washed out to sea. Like the house of the foolish man was. It all seemed so real. My breath was nearly taken away by the impact of what Dr Frady was saying. It seemed like he was just standing a foot away as he spoke. Of course in reality Dr Frady was out front and there were so many pews between us. Still I felt like it was just him and me alone in the room. Even though Dr Frady was talking I TRULY BELIEVED IT WAS GOD-NOT HIM-SPEAKING DIRECTLY TO ME. EVERYTHING I HAD BELIEVED TO BE SO INPORTANT-CHASING FORTUNE AND GLORY WAS JUST EMPTY. Dr Frady asked if there was anyone who wanted to commit there lives to Jesus Christ and invited them to come to the front of the church I took that chance to head out the door and back to my car. I was sweating and my heart was racing. I didn't know what was going on with me. OH MAN THAT WAS A CLOSE CALL," I THOUGHT TO MYSELF. Later that night I called Steve and asked him why he wasn't at the church. He said that he couldn't make it and that he had left me a message. I had a bad habit of not checking my messages. " I had a suspicion that Pastor Steve had tipped off Dr Frady so that he could target me with his message. So I asked Steve if he told Dr Frady that I would be there that night. He answered that he hadn't. I couldn't stop thinking about the message the entire week, the contrast of the rock and the sand. All of my bad choices I had made and what was based on them the things that I believed made me successful to myself and other people really had been nothing. IT WAS BUILT ON THE SAND. I KEPT PULLING OUT THE LITTLE PAMPHLET I FOUND IN STEVES CAR AND READING IT BUT IT STILL DIDNT QUITE CONNECT WITH ME. It was April 23, 2006 and Steve and I were hanging out at my apartment watching the LA lakers game. We were just casually talking when I decided to bring up what had been bugging me all week. I pulled out the pamphlet and told him about finding it in his car. "IVE BEEN GOING OVER IT A BUNCH OF TIMES AND I JUST DONT GET IT?" Suddenly we both jumped to our feet. " WHAT ARE WE STANDING HERE FOR?" I asked." "THIS IS THE MOMENT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR," Steve replied "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?" "BE HONEST, LEX ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY WITH THE DIRECTION YOUR LIFES TAKEN RIGHT NOT?" "NO, HONESTLY IVE MADE A COMPLETE MESS OF THINGS." "THATS OK,LEX. WE ALL MAKE A MESS OF THINGS WHEN WE TRY TO DO THINGS OUR OWN WAY. BUT THERES A MUCH BETTER WAY FOR US ALL. GOD HAS ALWAYS HAD A PLAN FOR EACH OF OUR LIVES INCLUDING YOURS." "STEVE IVE DONE SO MUCH STUFF. ITS TOO LATE FOR ME." I thought I had gone too far down the road and didn't think I could ever make up for what I had done. It was the most honest I had ever been with myself. "WE ALL FALL SHORT WHEN WE DO IT ALL ON OUR OWN." Steve was right. I was weary. After trying to do things myself I only managed to make a wreck out of my life. I had been a ship without a rudder, beyond hope. "YOU DONT HAVE TO FIGHT ANYMORE. MOVE OVER AND LET GOD TAKE CONTROL. LET HIM STEER." Steve replied. "YES I WAS READY TO SURRENDER READY TO LET SOMEBODY ELSE TAKE CHARGE OF MY LIFE. I WANTED TO GET OUT OF THE WAY; I WANTED TO BE SAVED FROM MYSELF. IT WAS NEVER CLEAR TO ME UNTIL THAT MOMENT. "WHAT DO I NEED TO DO?" "ASK GOD FOR HIS FORGIVNESS." " MAN ALL THAT STUFF IVE DONE AND ALL THE PEOPLE IVE HURT- I CAN BE FORGIVEN FOR EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW?" "YES YOU CAN." We both got down on our knees infront of the couch and I repeated the words that Steve prayed and with the first I broke down: "GOD IM A SINNER. JESUS PLEASE FORGIVE ME. COME INTO MY HEART AND TAKE OVER MY LIFE." And then an incredible thing happened. The same brilliant light that I had seen in my dream- the tiny speck that had pulled me out of the muck and darkness- I felt it inside of me. It purged me on the inside with such power that I thought I was going to burst! IT WAS LIKE BEING POWERWASHED BY LIGHT, WASHED CLEAN OF THE DARKNESS INSIDE OF ME. I HAD NEVER FELT ANYTHING LIKE IT BEFORE. AS I STOOD UP IT HIT ME I HAD BEEN KNEELING OVER THE SAME SPOT ON THE COUCH WHERE I WAS NEARLY 10 MONTHS EARLIER WHEN I HAD OVERDOSED. ONLY GOD COULD HAVE ARRANGED THAT FOR ME TO BE RAISED TO A NEW LIFE WITH HIM IN THE SAME PLACE WHERE I HAD NEARLY DIED. THERE WAS NO DOUBT IN MY MIND THAT SOMETHING SUPERNATURAL HAD JUST HAPPEND.

CHAPTER 22 A WHOLE NEW LIFE: I was immediately aware that I was starting a brand new journey. I felt completely different from the inside out. I realized I wasn't alone anymore. I sensed God was going to guide me from now on, which gave me incredible peace and relief. Instead of isolating myself I became more outgoing and was excited to be around people again. When I asked Steve what was happening to me he said it was the Holy Spirit living in me and working through me. I WASNT SURE WHAT THAT MEANT BUT IT FELT GOOD! EVERYTHING IN LIFE BECAME FASCINATING TO ME,AND I WANTED TO TAKE IT ALL IN. I started bugging Steve. WHATS NEXT? DO I GO TO CHURCH WITH YOU EVERY SUNDAY? WHAT SHOULD I DO? Suddenly I was hungry to learn new things instead of being a know it all. THAT WAS A BIG CHANGE FOR ME. My friendship with Sting had instantly taken on a new meaning. I understood everything that had taken place in his life because it was now happening in my life. We were two brothers being reunited.

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