Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fans and Mangers WHY?

I believe that fans should be asked this question. WHY ARE YOU FAN IN THE FIRST PLACE? IS IT JUST BECAUSE YOU LOVE BEING ENTERTAINED OR IS IT BECAUSE YOU CARE ABOUT THE FACT THAT WHEN THERES NO PERFORMING THERES THE MATTER OF PERSONALITY AND ITS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY. SO YOUR ANSWER REALLY SHOULD BE BECAUSE YOU CARE MORE ABOUT THE PERSONAL SIDE OF THE MATTER THAN WHATS IN THOSE GREAT PERFORMANCES. ALSO YOU SHOULD BE WILLING TO STAND BY THEM NO MATTER WHAT. Another thing is whats in those great performances is really the main reason why fans become fans in the first place. THEY SEE HOW TALENTED THE PERFORMER IS AND THEY COME TO ADMIRE THEM FOR THAT. Another hard reality is there might come a time when the performer could suddenly lose their talents and they wont be so entertaining anymore. They could also get into serious trouble which I believe is a test for the fans. ITS A WAY TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WHICH FANS ARE TRUE AND WHICH ONES JUST LOVED BEING ENTERTAINED. The ones that stand by them are the true fans. They don't care about what happens to them they really do love the performer and they want to stand by them. The ones that turn their backs on them don't care about the personal side at all. ALL THEY CARED ABOUT WAS BEING ENTERTAINED. IF ANY OF THESE THINGS HAPPENED WOULD YOU STILL BE A FAN? Fans who just want to be entertained treat celebrities like theyre toys. TOYS ARE ENTERTAINING BUT ONE DAY THEY WILL BREAK AND BE THROWN IN THE GARBAGE. Celebrities are just everyday people with feelings and everything else in a human being and if youre a true fan you will have respect for that fact. YOU WILL ALSO LOVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY EVEN WHEN THE TIME COMES WHEN THEY CANT PERFORM ANYMORE.

  Heres another important matter MANAGERS.WHAT KIND OF A MANAGER ARE YOU DO YOU CARE ONLY ABOUT MONEY OR DO YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR CLIENT? What you really should care about is your client. You will always stand by them even when they cant perform anymore or if their careers get wrecked. YOU SHOULD ALSO BE WILLING TO DO WHATEVER YOU CAN TO HELP THEM. SOMETIMES IT WILL BE THE LAST THING YOU EVER THOUGHT YOU WOULD DO. ITS MAY PUT YOUR OWN REPUTATION ON THE LINE BUT YOU SHOULD TRY NOT TO CARE ABOUT THAT. One of the keys to success is being the sort of manager that not only knows how to do business but who cares more about their clients then about money and success. Your relationship should not just be based on business but it should also be like a close friendship. Please don't be the kind of manager who only mangages their clients not because they care about them. Its so that they can just hang around when all the fame and the money come. Then they start taking advantage of them so that they could get more money off of them. THIS IS A HUMAN BEING ITS NOT A PIGGY BANK. When a project is successful and it makes a lot of money this sort of manager actually takes more then the right full amount that should be theres. THATS ONE OF THE REASONS SO MANY GIFTED CELEBRITIES HAVE DIED SO YOUNG SO BROKE AND FORGOTTEN. AND THEY NEED THE HELP OF A TRUE FRIEND. WHICH JESUS CAN BE. When it comes to creating the projects don't start thinking everything has to run your way. Every now and then let your client make their own decisions and IF they want to get involved in something else LET THEM DO IT! When it comes to the matter of how they dress and perform THATS THEIR BUSINESS NOT YOURS. YOU COULD GIVE THEM ADVICE BUT DONT START ACTUALLY BELIEVEING THAT YOU CAN RUN THEIR LIFE JUST BECAUSE YOU RUN THEIR CAREER. LET THEM MAKE THE FINAL CHOICES. SADLY THERE ARENT MANY MANAGERS THAT ARENT THE KIND OF MANGERS THAT A PERFORMER REALLY NEEDS MOST OF THEM ARE THE GREEDY TYPE WHICH ARE KNOWN AS THE SVENGALI.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Celebrity Sermon by Mckenzie Chase

The truth behind all the fame and fortune of celebrities is that really they are just normal people living everyday life and have their own times of pain.

The reason some people dream of being famous is because when they see a movie star on screen or a singer on stage, they start to believe that life for a celebrity is perfect. They have millions of people that want to be their friend or lover. They probably have enough money to live comfortably for a very long time.

They have all of this, but surprisingly, they are not happy. There are times when they are lonely and are hurting inside because something sad has happened in their life when they were not on the stage, the screen, or any sports field.

Like all humans celebrities were once carried inside their mother's womb and went through the many stages of growing up like losing their baby teeth or learning not to be afraid of the dark. They were once teenagers going through adolescence. But for the celebrities that grew up in show business he or she would say that they would have given anything to spend childhood out of the spotlight.

There are some child stars that did not have loving families. Their parents wanted them to work so that they could become famous and make a lot of money. Their parents did not care what they had to go through to make it, they only wanted money to be made.

It should be known that Judy Garland's parents had played a part in how she got so addicted to drugs. Along with her managers. They just wanted her to keep on working because of the percent they would get of the money that she made.

Another example is Jackie Coogan. His parents took his entire fortune and squandered it. In his later years, however, he took absolute control of his own career.

Some celebrities get started on drugs because, despite their fame and fortune, they feel lonely and sad and they don't really know why. Because of their pain, many choose alcohol and drugs to try to relieve the discomfort. Many have broken the law seeking relief of the pain they were going through.

The whole truth of it is that it's the begining of Satan's process to destroy them. Satan destroys normal people with the same process but with celebrities Satan's wrath is bigger. Their great talent that leads them to fame also causes millions to admire them.

Famous Christian singers and bands are leading millions to Jesus because God uses their voices to reach into the hearts of those that are lost.

If a celebrity got saved it would cost Satan millions of souls so he tries everything to make sure that he doesn't get saved and falls helplessly into his process of destruction.

Some celebrities have been able to wake up to the truth of what is happening and realize that what they really need is Jesus Christ in their hearts.

For some people, to get their attention, God lets their worse fears come to life and in the process they realize that he is the one that can really help them. He can change their life forever. Celebrities can become so blinded by their wealth and fame that they do not realize that there is somthing missing from their life. This emptiness can only be filled when they decide to follow Jesus and make him the Lord and Savior of their life.

Sadly, most celebrities are so blinded that not even when their worse fears come to pass, they cannot be convinced to change their life. They let Satan have total victory in their lives. There have been a lot of celebrities that have died before the age of 50 or even 40 because drugs and alcohol got the best of them or they became so miserable that they began to believe that suicide would make things better.

There has also been a group of celebrities that have been able to survive the traps of Satan but still have not found the truth. They have been able to live a long life, but if they do not find the truth, the eternal life they will live, will be filled with more pain than ever before.

There have been celebrities like Rock Hudson who died very young but were able to escape from Satan at the last minute of their lives. They now have eternal peace and happiness in Heaven. If you read the book of Luke in the Bible you will read about the thief that died, with Jesus, on the cross. He suddenly woke up to the truth about who Jesus really was and that he had come to the world to give eternal life. At the last minute of his life he asked for that eternal life and it was given to him. He is now in Heaven with Jesus.

I also believe that Michael Jackson is in Heaven and that he found the truth at the last minute of his life. As I had prayed he would for six years.

A lot may not believe that Elvis is in Heaven, but I believe as well, that at the last minute of his life he made things right with God.

It does not really matter how long you have had salvation, when you get to Heaven it will be like you have lived your whole life with Jesus in your heart.

There are many celebrities today that do have Jesus in their heart and they continue to make movies and CD's. It seems that when people begin to be outspoken about their faith, they don't seem as in demand as before in Hollywood.

There are those like Stephen Baldwin who not only lost most of his money and success when he accepted Christ, but also lost the support of his family.

There are those like the Jonas Brother's who do have Jesus in their heart but have now risen to fame. Fame can be a big earthly distraction from Christ and it can lead to ruin. What happened to Elvis, most recently Whitney Huston, and what could happen to Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus is a big example of that but they are in Heaven because the Bible says that when Jesus sets us free we are free forever.

Jesus said that whoever decides to follow him should count everything they have as loss, and the most important thing in their life should be their relationship with him.

I hope that these celebrities will remain strong in their faith and be like lights in the dark world so that through them millions of souls can be saved. Hollywood is one of the darkest places on the earth.

Celebrities like Beyonce and Chris Brown are ones who are now enjoying their fame but I hope one day will realize that there is somthing greater for them that can only be found through Jesus Christ. The whole truth is that without Jesus in our life we are really nothing.