Saturday, December 5, 2015


ROAD WARRIORS DANGER DEATH AND THE RUSH OF WRESTLING Chapter 19: SPIRITUAL REBIRTH AND THE END OF AN ERA: When I was trying to pick up the pieces of my dying career I had a down morale, a bad mood, and my temper was being tested. I knew in my heart and mind that I needed something to help anchor me. I couldn't quite put my finger on it until a sign was put into my hand. After doing a film shot in Albuqergue I ran into Nikita Koloff. He had semiretired from wrestling in the 90s and became an ordained pastor. During the week he would wrestle and on weekends he would preach. He had given me a copy of his autobiography BREAKING THE CHAINS which he told about his issues as a young man and when he found JESUS CHRIST his whole life changed. I had never really looked at the book before but this time I read it from cover to cover, in my hotel room, and it made a huge impression on me. After that I tried to work through everything I had read and known about CHRISTIANITY. I knew a lot of other wrestlers had used the religion to get a second chance with the wrestling executives after they had made a mess of themselves but then theyd just turn it around and do it again. I DIDNT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THAT. FOR ME TO GIVE MY HEART UP TO SOMETHING IT HAD TO APPEAL TO ME. A few days later Julie picked me up from the airport I told her about Nikitas book and that maybe there was something more to this spirituality thing. Thinking that a good work out would clear my mind I asked her to drop me off at the gym. When I went for a drink of water five of the biggest guys Id ever seen were staring right at me. It was the Christian group THE POWER TEAM. Big Russ, one of the members and former Hells Angels member from Texas, asked me the question," HEY ANIMAL DO YOU HAVE JESUS IN YOUR LIFE?" I answered by staring at him blankly and stating, "BRO, I DONT KNOW WHATS GOING ON." It was true whatever was rolling in my head lately I couldn't figure it out. Then THE POWER TEAM invited me to their event in town at the LIVING WORD CHRISTIAN CENTER. WITH AN OPENED MIND I ACCEPTED AND TOOK MY WHOLE FAMILY WITH ME. Sitting in the front row of this 10,000 seat facility we watched all of theyre typical strong man exhibtions. LOOKING BACK ALL OF IT WAS GOD KNOCKING AT MY DOOR. The moment of truth came when they did what the CHRISTIAN FAITH call the alter call. An alter call is when a preacher invites you to come up infront of everyone and invite the Lord as your savior. When you respond to an alter call it means you have decided to ask yourself, "DO I REALLY WANT A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD?" YOU ADMIT THAT YOURE A SINNER AND SAY A PRAYER OF REPENTANCE. I was having an internal struggle at this point DO I GO? DO I GO? Im convinced the Holy Spirit worked through my boy JAMES because he took me by the hand and said, "DADDY LETS GO." SO WE WENT UP AND ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST INTO OUR LIVES.THAT WAS A MIRACLE. Julie had been raised Presbyterian and I was raised Catholic but we never really knew what it meant to have a real relationship with God. BY BECOMING BORN AGAIN WE WERE ABLE TO KNOW WHAT IT REALLY IS. Today I travel telling people about what God has done in my life and I know that he is with me as I fly through the airways and when Im bringing his grace into the Devils neighborhood. GOD HAS HIS HAND ON ME ALL ALONG. I have lived a crazy life but after giving me an opportunity to have my name on every television network over the years, God turned my life around so that I may glorify his name. I HAVE HIM TO THANK FOR EVERYTHING ESPECIALLY FOR LEADING ME AND MY FAMILY TO THE LIVING WORD THAT NIGHT. About a year after we all got saved Hawk called said we were going to do a show in June. "I CANT, BRO" I had answered, " IM MEETING WITH NIKITA AND TED DIBIASE(MILLION DOLLAR MAN) IN PHEONIX FOR THE ATHLETES IN MINISTRY CONFERENCE." Being familiar with my faith and having much respect for it Hawk said he would call me right back. A minute or two later he did call back and asked if he and his wife could come too. I was surprised at Hawks request but I quickly said it was ok with me. When I arrived with everyone in my family (except for Joey who was fighting in Iraq)Hawk was the first one to greet us and he was so excited to be there. Many of the other wrestlers were there too such as: STING, TERRY TAYLOR, AND SHAWN MICHAELS WHO WERE ALL NEW BROTHERS IN CHRIST. IT WAS LIKE A BIG FAMILY AND INFRONT OF THAT FAMILY MY FAMILY AND I WERE BAPTIZED BY NIKITA KOLOFF RIGHT THERE IN THE CONGREGATION WADING POOL. YOU KNOW THERE WAS A TIME WHEN BELIEVERS WERE CLOSET CHRISTIANS BUT THOSE TIMES ARE OVER. Later when it was time for the alter call I got the surprise of my life when Hawk and Shawn Michaels hugged eachother and went out front to accept Christ. They use to hate eachother and Seeing those two crying in eachothers arms like babies was one of the most touching and enduring moments between two people I have ever seen in my life. THIS WAS LONG OVERDUE FOR HAWK I COULD SEE PERSONAL HEAVY BURDENS LIFT RIGHT OFF HIS SHOULDERS. When Hawk gave his life to Christ there was change in him. He was back to the true partner I knew from the early days and his lifestyle was much cleaner. When we talked on the phone he would end with, "HEY JOE I LOVE YOU MAN." Hawk really did become a much more lovable guy and even more so a dependable ROAD WARRIOR. Hawk and I really thought we were climbing back on top of our game together in the ring. Our timing was right on and the fans were making us feel like old friends. Things were really starting to look up and then they came crashing down again. Late in the day of October 19,2003 the phone rang and the voice on the other end said, "HEY ANIMAL DID YOU HEAR HAWK DIED LAST NIGHT?" I didn't really believe it. I didn't want too. When I could finally think straight I called his wife, Dale. She and Hawk had been moving boxes the day before so that they could move into their new condo in Indian Rocks Beach, Florida. When they went to bed everything seemed fine but Hawk never woke up in the morning. HE DIED OF HEART FAILURE IN HIS SLEEP. When I hung up the phone I told my family the news and we hugged and prayed together. After 46 years of living as well as 20 years of being the most imposing and comedic character in professional wrestling, MICHAEL HEGSTRAND AKA HAWK, my dear brother and partner found eternal peace. THE MIGHTY HAWK HAD MADE HIS LAST FLIGHT. His tombstone says," HERE LIES HAWK. HE DID EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING DID HIM IN."

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