Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fans and Mangers WHY?

I believe that fans should be asked this question. WHY ARE YOU FAN IN THE FIRST PLACE? IS IT JUST BECAUSE YOU LOVE BEING ENTERTAINED OR IS IT BECAUSE YOU CARE ABOUT THE FACT THAT WHEN THERES NO PERFORMING THERES THE MATTER OF PERSONALITY AND ITS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY. SO YOUR ANSWER REALLY SHOULD BE BECAUSE YOU CARE MORE ABOUT THE PERSONAL SIDE OF THE MATTER THAN WHATS IN THOSE GREAT PERFORMANCES. ALSO YOU SHOULD BE WILLING TO STAND BY THEM NO MATTER WHAT. Another thing is whats in those great performances is really the main reason why fans become fans in the first place. THEY SEE HOW TALENTED THE PERFORMER IS AND THEY COME TO ADMIRE THEM FOR THAT. Another hard reality is there might come a time when the performer could suddenly lose their talents and they wont be so entertaining anymore. They could also get into serious trouble which I believe is a test for the fans. ITS A WAY TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WHICH FANS ARE TRUE AND WHICH ONES JUST LOVED BEING ENTERTAINED. The ones that stand by them are the true fans. They don't care about what happens to them they really do love the performer and they want to stand by them. The ones that turn their backs on them don't care about the personal side at all. ALL THEY CARED ABOUT WAS BEING ENTERTAINED. IF ANY OF THESE THINGS HAPPENED WOULD YOU STILL BE A FAN? Fans who just want to be entertained treat celebrities like theyre toys. TOYS ARE ENTERTAINING BUT ONE DAY THEY WILL BREAK AND BE THROWN IN THE GARBAGE. Celebrities are just everyday people with feelings and everything else in a human being and if youre a true fan you will have respect for that fact. YOU WILL ALSO LOVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY EVEN WHEN THE TIME COMES WHEN THEY CANT PERFORM ANYMORE.

  Heres another important matter MANAGERS.WHAT KIND OF A MANAGER ARE YOU DO YOU CARE ONLY ABOUT MONEY OR DO YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR CLIENT? What you really should care about is your client. You will always stand by them even when they cant perform anymore or if their careers get wrecked. YOU SHOULD ALSO BE WILLING TO DO WHATEVER YOU CAN TO HELP THEM. SOMETIMES IT WILL BE THE LAST THING YOU EVER THOUGHT YOU WOULD DO. ITS MAY PUT YOUR OWN REPUTATION ON THE LINE BUT YOU SHOULD TRY NOT TO CARE ABOUT THAT. One of the keys to success is being the sort of manager that not only knows how to do business but who cares more about their clients then about money and success. Your relationship should not just be based on business but it should also be like a close friendship. Please don't be the kind of manager who only mangages their clients not because they care about them. Its so that they can just hang around when all the fame and the money come. Then they start taking advantage of them so that they could get more money off of them. THIS IS A HUMAN BEING ITS NOT A PIGGY BANK. When a project is successful and it makes a lot of money this sort of manager actually takes more then the right full amount that should be theres. THATS ONE OF THE REASONS SO MANY GIFTED CELEBRITIES HAVE DIED SO YOUNG SO BROKE AND FORGOTTEN. AND THEY NEED THE HELP OF A TRUE FRIEND. WHICH JESUS CAN BE. When it comes to creating the projects don't start thinking everything has to run your way. Every now and then let your client make their own decisions and IF they want to get involved in something else LET THEM DO IT! When it comes to the matter of how they dress and perform THATS THEIR BUSINESS NOT YOURS. YOU COULD GIVE THEM ADVICE BUT DONT START ACTUALLY BELIEVEING THAT YOU CAN RUN THEIR LIFE JUST BECAUSE YOU RUN THEIR CAREER. LET THEM MAKE THE FINAL CHOICES. SADLY THERE ARENT MANY MANAGERS THAT ARENT THE KIND OF MANGERS THAT A PERFORMER REALLY NEEDS MOST OF THEM ARE THE GREEDY TYPE WHICH ARE KNOWN AS THE SVENGALI.

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